Is 46 to 1 an acceptable response ratio in any situation that involves the death of human beings?
I would suggest that the answer is emphatically NO for any entity that considers itself civilized, or for any entity that supports another entity that perpetrates such an unbalanced and genocidal action: Israel and the United States qualify for these descriptions in their actions and support for the atrocities that have happened in Gaza. AND, that it not taking into consideration the fact that at least half of the 46,000 Palestinian deaths have been women and children. It is highly likely that the majority of the other 50% have been non-combatants as well.
No-one in the western world is debating the right of Israel to defend itself but using that argument as a defence of clearly genocidal actions is an insult to anyone’s intelligence. 46,000 Palestinian deaths to 1,000 Israeli deaths is systematic and deliberate annihilation. The Netanyahu government’s clear intention is to extent the borders of Israel to the Mediterranean, eliminating Palestine and Palestinians in the process.
I have said many times that the Israeli Government’s response to any criticism, effective as it has been, is always based on the concept of anti-semitism, which is nonsense. It is anti-Israeli-Government, not anti-semitism. Unfortunately, the Israeli Government’s insistence on mixing the two concepts has, and will, result in the vilification of the whole Jewish state and its people, which is unfair at best, and dangerous at worst.
I fully realise that this blog will be interpreted by some as written by someone who is anti-semitic and therefore should be ignored and condemned. So be it, but the reality speaks for itself. To repeat, this is anti-Israeli-Government, not anti-semitism and despite Netanyahu’s insistence on trying to make the two synonymous, they are not. AND Netanyahu’s posture is not even a defence of the Jewish people, it is purely self-serving to keep himself in power and out of jail. Sounds just like his comrade-in-arms, Donald Trump.
Now the question has to be asked why the United States has given almost unconditional support for the Israeli Government, when the obvious genocide totally contradicts America’s moral standing and long-term policies. If any other country had conducted a totally lopsided war on this level, murdering thousands of innocent people, the United States would have gone berserk and condemned them out-of-hand. Why has that not happened to Israel?
The obvious answer is the strength of the American Jewish lobby. It makes no sense to me that Joe Biden has sabotaged his own legacy by unequivocal support for Israel in the face of the genocide they are perpetrating on Gaza, unless his decisions have been bought, politically, by the American Jewish lobby.
I have cited other examples of the power of that lobby in other blogs. The reality that thirteen U.S. states have legislation on their books that require anyone under contract with the state to sign a document that they will not do/say or act in any way against the interests of Israel is proof-enough of the insidious power of that lobby. Such requirements come very close to the definition of treason against the U.S. when U.S. citizens are required to sign something that puts another country’s interests ahead of those of the United States.
In many ways it pains me to have to write this but a 46-to-one kill ratio, and rising, finally got to me. A negotiated cease-fire will come into effect today (publication date of this blog) , and I am sure that the U.S. Government has been applying enormous, if non-visible, pressure on Israel to agree.
However, why does it have to be non-visible? Kowtowing to the American Jewish lobby, in public, only diminishes America’s international image and reduces its influence and power worldwide.
It is unfortunate that I have to write this, as I said, but it needs to be said…and loudly.
Fully agree that criticism of Israel is not the same as anti-semitism. I am also sure that there are many Jews who share a disgust of Netanyahu.