The feeding frenzy of the media in the short time since Joe Biden’s debacle in the first presidential debate, only reinforces the point I have made many times, that the news we receive is based purely on sensationalism with no sense of integrity, balance, or responsibility.

      One person on that debate stage stumbled over his words and gave the impression he was “out-of-it”, at least at the beginning. However, he touted his successful programs and, as far as anyone can tell, told the truth.

      The other person ignored any questions about his candidacy, and his plans for the Presidency, particularly those related to his continuous remarks about being a dictator when he gets to the White House. He also, by most accounts, lied every time he opened his mouth. 

      The reporting of the debate, and the feeding frenzy exhibited by the media since that time, has barely mentioned Trump’s lies and plans. Why? Because Biden’s performance “Sells more fucking newspapers” than what we have become used to, and is therefore less sensational, which is Trump lying all the time, and planning to become the first dictator of the U.S. in its history.


      Even those few reports that have highlighted the total discrepancy between the reporting on the two men, have spent the balance of their articles talking about Biden and not Trump. Trump’s campaign has been remarkably quiet since the debate. They have no need to do anything, the media is destroying the other candidate for them.

      Now that the feeding frenzy is well underway, and perhaps unstoppable, the media focus, and that of other peripheral sharks, is getting rid of Biden; the New York Times has been particularly vicious in this approach…and they are supposed to be a liberal newspaper. I am reminded that the owner of the Times demanded an exclusive interview with Biden a couple of months ago and Biden’s campaign refused. The super-inflated ego of Mr. Sulzberger, the owner of the Times, couldn’t take that rebuke, so he, apparently, instructed his editorial team to crucify Biden. They have faithfully followed those instructions. Amazing, reprehensible, downright dangerous, and pathetically self-centered only begins to describe the character of Mr. Sulzberger, and all the other “feeding-frenzy” participants who have jumped on the “let’s destroy Biden” bandwagon.

      Slowly, some articles are beginning to ask the fundamental question here. In this shark-fest of a feeding frenzy, shouldn’t we be more concerned about keeping a dictator out of the White House than running an accomplished President out of the race because he showing signs of age? Sensationalism triumphs as always! And, as with most frenzied responses to situations, few people look further than the ends of their noses: Get rid of Biden becomes the rallying cry without any thought as to what comes next. The important question is, “Who stands the best chance of defeating Trump in November?”

      I have railed against the irresponsibility of the media for a long time now, but this latest episode surpasses almost all previous records. Do they honestly think Trump, as President, will thank them for all this support, and that he won’t try and run them out of business when it suits him? They should be fighting tooth and nail to bury him….now.

      How stupidly, and myopically, naïve can you be? Have any of them thought about, for example, a White House Press Corps that is not allowed to ask questions but must simply smile and “Kiss the Ring”, or ass, as the case may be.

      It may well be that the commitment to the feeding frenzy to depose Biden is irreversible at this point, and you can be sure that, if and when, Trump re-enters the White House and clamps down on any media that criticizes him in any way, or doesn’t actively support his dictates, the media will be the first to cry.

      If it wasn’t for the fact that such a scenario will adversely affect all our lives, I would encourage him to do so. They deserve it, since they have relinquished their responsibilities as guardians of our democracy to their god of sensationalism.

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