Nigerian King married Queen Victoria, or so goes the myth among the Efik people of southern Nigeria is that one of their 19th century kings …
Nigerian King married Queen Victoria, or so goes the myth among the Efik people of southern Nigeria is that one of their 19th century kings …
A different way of bargaining is traditional in Somali camel markets. In 1906 Lorenz Hagenback received a request from the German government to supply its …
Less is more is a philosophy more than a statement. Unfortunately, it is a rare commodity in human endeavors. I have just spent almost three …
The ubiquitous tartan is everywhere. More resonances cling to tartan than perhaps any other fabric. It’s a stirring visual expression of both history and geography, …
Old people are sneaky. In a scene straight out of a spy movie, an elderly couple reportedly escaped from an assisted living facility using some …
A Chair built for Torpedo Attack is a U.S. Navy legend. Fire kills warships. In the early days of World War II, the USS Vincennes was …
The sell-outs who saved a town is an encouraging story of how a small faction on each side of a venomous battle between environmentalists and …
An alien planet inside the Earth sounds like the stuff of science fiction comics. An alien culture living within us. Maybe the stuff of nightmares …
Daylight saving time part 2, continues the blog from last week, as promised. Since daylight saving time creates the illusion of the sun rising …
A delivery of dog food to our house last week had a notice on the outside which said, “Corn Starch Packaging”. I don’t normally read …