When I first moved to Colorado, one of the things that totally amazed me was the size of the hailstones that occasionally pounded the area. …
When I first moved to Colorado, one of the things that totally amazed me was the size of the hailstones that occasionally pounded the area. …
Cristina Calderón, the last of the line of the Yaghan people, died on February 16, 2022, aged 93. The Yaghan were an amphibious people …
Waking up at my usual time this morning to the sun shining in my face, instead of darkness, brought the subject of Daylight Savings Time …
This July, gorged by days of rain, the Meuse River broke its banks, and the Belgian town of Liège was its victim. Waters, the color …
It is interesting how a relatively short time can change our perspective and our reality about the next World War. I wrote a blog in …
After years of discussion about our disintegrating planet, and our seemingly hell-bent intent on speeding up that process when we know the outcome will …
Is New Zealand crazy? In 2012, New Zealand’s Aoraki Mackenzie community successfully applied to the IDA (International Dark Sky Association) to become an accredited dark …
The end of mankind sounds like the title of a horror movie about a massive comet collision with the earth, or a malignant worldwide pandemic. …
The history of Moyenne Island, which is an archipelago of 115 islands that make up the Seychelles, in the Indian Ocean, reads like an environmentalist’s …
The Rhinoceros Party was a testament to the power of ridicule in the political process that we seem to have totally lost in this day …