The income of white men in the United States has declined since 1967 according to one of the best statisticians the U.S. education system has …
The income of white men in the United States has declined since 1967 according to one of the best statisticians the U.S. education system has …
The Lysistrata Strategy could be an effective tool for promoting the rights of women in today’s world. Lysistrata is an ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, …
The Mullet Festival is held every year in the small town of Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia. You might think, if you didn’t know better, …
Sumer was an ancient civilization founded in the Mesopotamia region of the Fertile Crescent situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Known for their innovations …
This blog will explore the concept of “Faith” in its broadest sense. The question I want to address is why human beings, throughout their existence, …
I don’t know how many of you noticed but a silly idea has entered the world of wine production. The silly idea is that white …
“The word is celebrate” is the title of an old and poignant joke about the Catholic Church’s position on the sexual habits of its priests …
I came across an article on the unique town of Piobbico, and couldn’t resist the impulse to include it in this week’s blogs. It seemed …
I am in trouble for publishing this blog. My friend, who sent me the quotations listed below, prefaced his message with the words, “Be careful …
Maybe it’s time to revisit Brexit, and evaluate whether it has been a positive adventure for the United Kingdom and Europe, or not. There appears …