An astonishing statistic, and a vote of confidence, is contained in a British Government report on applications from European Union citizens who wish to settle …
An astonishing statistic, and a vote of confidence, is contained in a British Government report on applications from European Union citizens who wish to settle …
The quest for Vision should be a national goal for any country. In fact, the quest for a global dream/vision wouldn’t be a bad goal …
Messing with your cup of tea sounds like a sacrilegious process but there are people out there trying to do just that. Over 2 …
Noah and the new Ark is my attempt to make amends for the Stella Awards blog last week. I was corrected on that blog by …
The benefits of an Ear Spoon. I have to admit I had never heard of an “Ear Spoon” until I was shown an article in …
People with obnoxious political views was the subject of a very interesting article in the New York Times Sunday Magazine last week. The actual title …
Absurdity personified refers to the U.S. Legal System, not to any person in particular. It’s time again for the annual Stella Awards. For those …
Poor white students, or in English English, white working class pupils, have been failed by decades of neglect in England’s education system. A recent …
Diversity versus division reverberated with me this past weekend. A roadtrip to the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains brought into focus the inherent divisions …
Canada it’s udderly absurd is a title that hides a major nutritional concern under a cloak of fun and ridicule. Fun and ridicule are also …