Why do humans need religion, or, indeed, why do they need a god, or multiple gods? There are almost no groupings of humans that have …
Why do humans need religion, or, indeed, why do they need a god, or multiple gods? There are almost no groupings of humans that have …
Communal sleeping II – this blog is a sequel to last week’s blog on the same topic: Why have lost the idea of communal sleeping? …
I am beginning to believe that we, in the United States, have lost the will to civilize ourselves. Most anthropologists, and many historians, will confirm …
The competition for public attention of image over substance has been almost completely lost in today’s political world. Image has won, hands down. The profession …
Until the mid-19th Century, communal sleeping was completely normal; that is, sharing a bed with friends, colleagues and even total strangers, happened all the time. …
All in all, car bloat has increased vehicle prices while making autos more destructive to human life, natural ecosystems, and pavement alike. Because the full …
An unprecedented experiment is underway in Kenya pertaining to aid, social structure and economics. Since 2017, the U.S.-based charity, GiveDirectly, has been providing thousands of …
THE NEXT GOLDEN EAGLE AWARD GOES TO: THE BLACK MAMBAS. Meet the “Black Mambas”, South Africa’s all-female anti-poaching unit. Eight years on from the …
Cell phones kill, if you use them when you’re driving. Separately, but related, there is a severe problem of individual freedom against community responsibility in …
Complacency is the road to dictatorship. Dictator-in-Waiting Trump, and his think-tank loyalists, are collecting the ingredients, and refining the recipe, for an authoritarian regime, should …