An ancient Greek supercomputer sounds a little unlikely to put it mildly, but a discovery in a 2000-year-old shipwreck off the island of Antikythera in …
An ancient Greek supercomputer sounds a little unlikely to put it mildly, but a discovery in a 2000-year-old shipwreck off the island of Antikythera in …
The advent of drone warfare as a major part of the Ukraine war with Russia has turned modern conflict, and the weapons we have traditionally …
The level of textile waste in the world is truly staggering; 85% of the 100 billion items of apparel produced by the textile industry EACH …
I came across the photo of a Concorde and a Spitfire, above, and perhaps for the first time, was awestruck by the speed of technological …
I started to document Vladimir Putin’s undersea threat to communication and power cables a few blogs ago, but I had no idea of the extent …
Springy poles and forehead straps: How to carry more than your own bodyweight. The rural farm workers of Vietnam could be seen as almost …
Peru’s new megaport has been built by the Chinese. It is part of their worldwide strategy, called “Belt and Road” which pores millions of dollars …
Smaller than gondolas, “sandoli” are ancient boats that have been used by everyday Venetians for centuries. Today, they whisk travellers to quiet corners Venice where …
Dirt doesn’t burn seems like an obvious comment but one that has been mostly abandoned by the U.S. construction industry. However, building homes with dirt …
Lost for centuries, two Silk Road cities have recently been revealed by drone technology. For centuries, these abandoned cities lay hidden in the mountains of Central …