The other night I watched part of a US political debate between two candidates for a U.S. Senate seat from Pennsylvania. I have rarely, if …
The other night I watched part of a US political debate between two candidates for a U.S. Senate seat from Pennsylvania. I have rarely, if …
Bees, birds and bats, and other similar pollinators, affect 35% of the world’s crop production. They also increase the yield of 87 leading food crops …
Space Rocks. An attack on planet Earth conjures up images of Martians, alien empires such as those in the film “Independence Day”, and a whole …
The chaos, shambles, and debilitating mess created by the United Kingdom’s now ex-Prime Minister is also a golden opportunity. The old saying that every disaster …
I saw James Bond sitting at the departure gate in Nice Airport when I was seven years old in 1983. This is the beginning of …
Swamped by English could be an excerpt from British colonial history or, maybe, a report sent back from the Spanish Armada after Sir Francis Drake …
Fishing in international waters has become a 24-7 operation. A single country has accounted for about 80 percent of the fishing in the international waters …
“Acequias” is a system of water management known as “sowing water”. The word is derived from the Arabic word “as-saquiva”, which means “water conduit” or …
I have called this blog “The Myth of American Democracy” because, although history suggests that the Founding Fathers intended to create a democracy, the subsequent …
I found the following story, “Going for a Bong”, intriguing and, in perhaps a rather bizarre way, fun. Yes, it is about the marketing of …