Yucatan Henequen Haciendas are something I had never heard of. Even more interesting, when I recently read an article about them, I had to look …
Yucatan Henequen Haciendas are something I had never heard of. Even more interesting, when I recently read an article about them, I had to look …
These are 5 strategies for reducing CO2 emissions across the globe. Most of us are well-aware of the dangers of CO2 emissions, just as we …
I don’t know how many of you noticed but a silly idea has entered the world of wine production. The silly idea is that white …
I had no idea how amazing the humble cucumber is. This was sent to me this week by one of my readers. 1. Cucumbers …
“The word is celebrate” is the title of an old and poignant joke about the Catholic Church’s position on the sexual habits of its priests …
The P’urhépechas were the only indigenous group in Mexico the Aztecs failed to conquer but, despite this, the story of the P’urhépechas was nearly lost …
Reducing ambient ocean noise is hardly something that most people would think about on a regular basis. However, imagine your upstairs neighbour was having work …
In Yemen’s ancient walled city of Sana’a, mud skyscrapers soar high into the sky. The towering structures are built entirely out of rammed earth, and are decorated …
I came across an article on the unique town of Piobbico, and couldn’t resist the impulse to include it in this week’s blogs. It seemed …
I have said, in many past blogs, that the threat from China, and particularly from its president, Xi Jinping, is the most insidious and pervasive …