“I am an American with Hispanic heritage”. That was a response from someone living close to the border between the U.S. and Mexico, who was asked by a reporter about the democratic loss to Donald Trump. It struck a chord with me about how the Democratic Party might re-invent itself, which it obviously must do if it is to be a viable party in the future.

      The turn of phrase of that individual is, I think, very significant. He did not say “I am Hispanic”, he did not say “I am an immigrant”, he did not say, “I am from Mexico”. He said, “I am an American with Hispanic heritage”. It testifies to his loyalty and commitment to his life in the United States in a way that demands respect beyond the current “catch-all” phrase of immigrant. The vast majority of all Americans alive today are “Americans with a heritage from somewhere else – the only exceptions are Native Americans.

      This person’s commitment to his future, and that of his chosen country, outstrips other Americans who take their citizenship for granted, and even try to denigrate it.

      This may sound like a non sequitur, but I have always thought that the “Black” leaders of the last few decades, excluding Martin Luther King, have tried to create a counter-culture. In other words, “I am a black person first, and an American second”. That has created a huge additional divide in the population, which the black population is still suffering from today, as are the rest of the population. If they had promoted themselves as “I am an American with black heritage” the result might have been quite different, and far better for blacks and the country. Difficult to prove, but interesting to contemplate.

      The other factor involved in the interviewee’s comment is that the “Hispanic heritage” population will be approximately 25% of the total U.S. population by 2030, and 30%, and growing, by 2050. (Demographically, the black population will still be at 12% in 2050, the same as it is today).

      Any politician, or any political party, with any sense of the demographic future, has to look at, and cultivate, the “Hispanic heritage” population. If they do, they will have the advantage of cultivating a group that really wants to be contributing Americans. They would be nuts, and unsuccessful, to ignore such an opportunity.

      This could well be the path forward for a democratic politician/party/movement as it tries to re-invent itself. The question is, do they have the will, the commitment, and the vision to climb down out of their ivory tower where they have placed themselves as the benevolent guardians of the poor, at least in their minds (and as long as they don’t actually have to touch them), “crying over spilt milk”, and endlessly wringing their hands, without actually facing reality and doing something about their arrogant positions.

      It is a path based on reality for the country as a whole. I will be criticized for the following comment, but, by allowing themselves to be known by issues that affect a very small percentage of the population, such as trans-genders, and LGBTQ concerns, while seeming to de-prioritize issues that affect almost everyone, like the economy,  has resulted in them loosing support, and the election. WAKE UP PEOPLE! As a major political pundit has said in a book recently, “It’s the Economy, Stupid”. I hate to add this, but even “defending democracy, defending the constitution, border issues and abortion rights, play second fiddle to concerns over the economy for the vast majority of the population, and that goes for my suggested target group of those with Hispanic heritage, as well as everyone else.

      I won’t hold my breath, given Demorcratic Party history, but one can hope, and push a little in that direction.

About The Author

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