In case we forget. As we endure the deluge of changes that Donald Trump is inflicting on us on an hourly basis, we have to constantly remind ourselves of what I am convinced are the three basic reasons behind his actions. In addition, it is reasonably obvious that the sheer volume of his announcements is designed as an effective smokescreen to overwhelm our senses and our ability to analyze each of his pronouncements, so that he will get away with most before we, collectively, realize what is happening. AND IT IS WORKING!
In my opinion, the three basic driving forces, in order of importance (although (1) and (2) could be reversed), of his program are as follows: (1) Retribution against anyone who has the audacity (from his point of view) to question/criticize/oppose him in any way whatsoever; (2) “How do I stay out of jail for the rest of my life”; and (3) how can I leverage my position as President of the United States to increase my real estate empire and my fortune.
I should add here that none of these driving forces have anything to do with the welfare of the country, any of its residents, any of its institutions, or anything else except the interests of Donald Trump personally. It is all about him, period.
I would add one caveat to these statements and that is I believe he is a puppet for the powers behind Project 2025, which is even more scary than the man’s personal, deranged agenda, but that topic is for another blog.
Let me examine each of these driving forces in more detail.
Retribution: This is blatantly obvious from his campaign words, his words since, the slogans of his MAGA supporters, and his actions. The goal is to crucify any individual who, even remotely, offers any opposition to him. This has two sub-goals, in my opinion; the first is to assuage his fragile ego, and the second is to clear the way for his imposition of dictatorship, which is now well underway.
Stay out of Jail: He knows there is a good chance that he could be sent to jail by a future administration. His plan, I believe, and there is more supporting evidence every day on this, is to become dictator-for-life. If he can ignore the court system – he has already indicated that the president is not subject to their jurisdiction (Did you know, by the way, that according to the Constitution the institution that is supposed to enforce the laws that the courts decide, IS THE EXECUTIVE!!!?). Ignoring the courts is step one towards a dictatorship. The second step is to eliminate, or at least emasculate, the power of Congress (we have to admit that Congress has yet to demonstrate that they are willing to stand up to him in any way). The third step towards dictatorship will be bringing the armed forces totally under his control so he can effectively put down any opposition. His Secretary of Defense has already started to eliminate any opposition to Trump in the Pentagon, so that step is well underway.
Increase his Real Estate Empire and his Fortune: His Bitcoin scam, his incredibly arrogant suggestion that he take over Gaza and create a hotel and casino complex all along that coast should leave no-one in any doubt about this driving force. AND, does anyone really believe that his cosying up to Putin doesn’t have a major element of cash and real estate ambitions to go along with the obvious adulation.
Three basic driving forces, none of which have anything to do with the United States and its future.
A tipping point will be reached, quite soon, where his dictatorial/retribitional/personal greed ambitions will not be stoppable. We can’t afford a “wait and see”, “let him hang himself” approach. It is just too dangerous.
I suggested last week, that one of the only realistic ways of stopping him that I can think of, given the way almost everyone, and every institution, has reacted to date, is for George W. Bush and Barak Obama to join forces to oppose him in a fierce and continuous campaign over the next few weeks and months. They are perhaps the only people who are impervious to his threats and actions, although he will undoubted try to attack and punish them. That might buy enough time for the rest of the U.S. institutions (namely the Senate) wake up and exert their authority.
As I said at the beginning, “In case we forget”. Time is running out.