Why do humans need religion, or, indeed, why do they need a god, or multiple gods? There are almost no groupings of humans that have …
Why do humans need religion, or, indeed, why do they need a god, or multiple gods? There are almost no groupings of humans that have …
Rosemary Parslow crawls on her hands and knees across the frozen ground of the Scilly Isles under a wintry sky. Most other visitors to the …
Do you like crisps or chips? Your answer will depend on whether you are English or American, but they are, basically, the same thing: Crisps …
Angus King: Once in a while, someone in the U.S. Senate comes up with a statement that restores one’s faith in political integrity, elder statesmanship, …
Barely anyone has heard of Waqra Pukará. I certainly hadn’t. It is located reasonably close (130km) to Machu Picchu, in Peru, and is empty of …
I recently found an article, Transatlantic Heartburn, written by the former BBC America News anchor, Katty Kay, that identifies an international fear that we, in …
Communal sleeping II – this blog is a sequel to last week’s blog on the same topic: Why have lost the idea of communal sleeping? …
I am beginning to believe that we, in the United States, have lost the will to civilize ourselves. Most anthropologists, and many historians, will confirm …
SaxaVord spaceport on the Shetland Islands sounds a little like the next episode of the extremely popular BBC murder mystery series “Shetland”. However, SaxaVord Spaceport …
A huge ancient city in the Amazon has been found, hidden for thousands of years by lush vegetation. The discovery changes what we know about …