Our World
Past, Present & Future

I created the “Connecting the Dots” blog site to investigate and interpret a global range of topics from an international, and personally quirky, perspective.

My lifestyle has given me an eclectic, some would say weird or bizarre, perspective on many of the issues we face today

My topics in “Connecting the Dots” include politics, the environment, fun issues, social issues and anything else that catches my attention. I hope you enjoy them, and will join me through your comments.
I inaugurated the “GOLDEN FLEECE AWARD” some time ago, which rewards the most stupid, inept, criminal and just plain dumb activities of public officials and others, everywhere. I have now added another award, the “GOLDEN EAGLE AWARD”, which celebrates remarkably positive activities of public officials and others. I would appreciate your help in identifying great examples of both.



Statesmanship and long-term political perspectives are rapidly disappearing qualities in today’s public forums, at all levels. Those qualities are even ridiculed when they’re introduced into …




Jersey is the largest of the Channel Islands, an archipelago of six inhabited islands (and many more uninhabited ones) scattered over the English Channel, just …

JERSEY Read More »

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