Diversity versus division reverberated with me this past weekend. A roadtrip to the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains brought into focus the inherent divisions …
Diversity versus division reverberated with me this past weekend. A roadtrip to the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains brought into focus the inherent divisions …
Canada it’s udderly absurd is a title that hides a major nutritional concern under a cloak of fun and ridicule. Fun and ridicule are also …
Killing off good ideas is a topic that came from writing the blogs on environmental issues last week. I included a comment at the end …
Rugged individualism is a very American trait, but it is also a very destructive one. An article in a local Colorado magazine this week surprised …
Central American corruption is endemic, as it is in the rest of the world. The announcement this week that one of the major policies the …
How to knit a road sounds like an in-house joke of some sort, or some form of crochet that most of us have never heard …
A better fog trap may be a linguistic twist on an old marketing expression but it’s a simple, real, and effective solution to drought in …
Rabbits of the sea in Australia. The Humpback whale is making a comeback. We have heard for years that many species of whales have been …
Is Australia declaring war on China? We hear a great deal these days about China’s abuses in the South China Sea, the genocide inflicted on …
Has the U.S. gone insane? A legitimate question, after it was announced that at least twenty (20) U.S. States will pass legislation before the end …