We need “sacrificial lambs”.
I have to comment on the fiasco that occurred in the Oval Office of the White House during the visit of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy this week. The behavior of the U.S. President, Donald Trump resembled the mafia boss and/or the wanabee-dictator that he aspires to be. To say it was demeaning and insulting to the office of the president of the United States hardly touches the outrageous and crude behavior of Trump – he doesn’t deserve the title of president after that performance. It was no surprise that his tactics in insulting his guest were echoed by his vice-president. Vance has repeatedly shown himself to be ignorant, in all senses of the word, a liar, and an arrogant nobody who also demeans the office he holds. All in all, it was a despicable performance by Trump and Vance that not only discredited the U.S. Presidency domestically but more importantly, internationally, but also confirmed, and reinforced, Trump’s adoration of Russia’s Putin. Zelenskyy exhibited a remarkable calm and integrity in the face of such unadulterated crass behavior by his hosts, even if he was surprised.
There is little doubt that Trump will change his mind yet again in the next few days as he continues to exhibit unstable, deranged, dangerous and possibly treasonous behavior on almost all issues facing the U.S. government. One has to wonder how long it will take before the country raises a campaign to impeach him for mental instability, delusionary behavior, deranged actions and for being a major detriment to the country, among many other despicable traits. The only two positives I can think of that might result from the Oval Office fiasco this week are: The galvanization of united Europe against Putin at all levels, economically and militarily; and the acceleration of the end of the Trump administration as the government of the United States.
I have said several times in previous blogs that it only took Hitler 53 days to dismantle a democratic Germany. Trump is on day 41, as I publish this blog, and he is following his idol’s path, almost to the letter. Putin, meantime, must be sitting and chuckling as Trump does all the work for him in his quest to re-establish the Soviet Union, and the imperial Russian Empire. I would imagine that Xi Jinping is also smiling as he updates his plans for the invasion of Taiwan and the takeover of the South China Sea down to, and perhaps including, Australia. Trump prides himself on being a great negotiator of “the deal”. I have to ask, “What negotiator begins negotiations by giving away almost everything the opposition wants before the negotiations begin. He is not only a wanabee-dictator, he is a totally-useless negotiator.”
I also have to say that all this should not come as a surprise to anyone. The plan was laid out in Project 2025, the writers of that plan are now in positions of authority to carry it out, and they are hellbent on eliminating all possible opposition to that plan. AND, it’s not that they have been secretive about their goals: Their plans have been common knowledge for several years. It has also been common knowledge that Trump, while quietly supporting Project 2025, has had little to do with the details; he is a puppet, albeit a very dangerous one.
I think we need a few courageous people to be “sacrificial lambs” at this point. People who are willing to organize and stand up and scream from the rooftops against the bullying machine that Trump has unleashed. This situation is way beyond partisan politics; I actually think that to talk about Republican and Democrats, at this point, is irrelevant. This is about Trump and company versus the United States and it future. So, it doesn’t matter where these “sacrificial lambs” come from. Whoever they are, just need to stand up and be ready for the vindictive “slaughter” that will inevitably come their way. They have to be prepared to become heroes for the future, perhaps even martyrs for the future, since this situation promises to get very ugly, very quickly, once they are seen as impediments to Trump’s dictatorship plans.
I have to ask, “Where are you? And when will you start your sacrifice?”
As I was editing this blog, it occurred to me that one of the more effective “sacrificial lambs” would be Presidents George W. Bush and Barak Obama getting together on the offensive against Trumps takeover-of-the-country bid, loudly and persistently.